Monday, December 22, 2014

Pajama Day Reminder

Tomorrow, December 23rd, is Pajama Day at JA! Send in $1.00 for your child to wear PJ' donated will be given to a JA family in need.



Thursday, December 18, 2014

Reindeer Games

The kindergarten students will be taking part in "Reindeer Games" on Monday and Tuesday, December 22nd/23rd. Please have your child wear sneakers on BOTH of those days!

Thank you!


Monday, December 15, 2014

Week in Review ~ December 8th - 12th

As we get closer and closer to the start of vacation the excitement level in the classroom is getting higher and higher. (Of course, the anticipated visit from a certain guy in a red suit isn't helping either!) In ELA we talked about "What do people use to do their jobs?" We read the stories Whose Shoes? and Little Juan and the Cooking Pot Our vocabulary words for the week were: equipment, uniform, utensils, expect, and remain. We also worked on the short vowel sound /o/ as in dog. We have now worked extensively on a, i, and o. We now are able to sound out to both write and read many cvc (consonant-vowel-consonant) words. Everyone is doing a great job segmenting the sounds in words and blending the sounds to say a word. The sight word you was introduced. Please continue to practice all of our sight words at home. Here is the updated list of sight words introduced so far: I, can, the, a, see, we, like, to, and, go, you. In Math we finished Topic 6 "Numbers to 100" and started Topic 7 "Understanding Addition." We are working on simple stories that talk about two groups joining such as "There was 3 red apples and 2 yellow apples. How many apples are there in all?" Then we are taking the information to fill in number sentences that read 2 and 3 is 5. Next, we will work with the plus sign (+) and the equals sign (=). I hope to get through Topic 7 before the start of school vacation. With us doing the Problem of the Day since the start of school, I am anticipating that this Topic will not be difficult for the K2ers as they already have had a solid introduction to number sentences. We made a huge jump with our Books & Beyond goal...we currently have completed 55 out of 192 total stations needed for the Ice Cream Sundae Party come June. Keep Reading and if you need any sheets to fill in, send a note in your child's message tube and we will be sure to send one home. You can also take a blank paper from home and list 15 books that you have read and just sign it. Just be sure to include your child's name.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Week in Review ~ December 1st - 5th

Can you believe we are already into December? Today was our 61st day...we are officially 1/3 of our way done with the school year. Along with everything we are busy learning the excitement seems to be growing in K2 as we get closer to the holidays.

In ELA our essential question was What places do you go during the week? We brainstormed all the different places we visit during the week. Here's a look at the concept web we filled in.


We listened to the stories Please Take Me For a Walk, Field Trips, and The Neighborhood. In reading groups we read the decodables Cal's Busy Week, Going by Cab, or We Can Go depending on which group they are in. The letter we focused on this week was Cc and we talked about the hard c sound as in cat and the soft sound of c as in circus. Ask your child if they remember what makes the Cc make a hard or soft sound. Hint: it has to do with the vowel that follows the c in a word. Our new sight word was go and we reviewed all other introduced sight words. At home, say a sight word and ask your child to spell it or write it down. That's another great way for them to "own" the words! During learning centers we searched the room for word cards that began with Cc, built simple sentences using sight words, matched pictures to letter sound they begin with, and wrote in our journals about the different things we do during the week.

In Math we started Topic 6 titled "Numbers to 100" where we discussed what number comes after 20 and then worked with the hundreds chart. We looked at what patterns are on the hundreds chart in the rows and columns.

We then focused in on the last column that counts by 10's. We counted how many fingers we have in K2...260!!! Then we made number lines using cards that count by ten. The K2ers had to cut them out and then glue them in the correct order. They had a lot of fun doing that.

We will be finishing Topic 6 next week and then we will moving into addition and subtraction.

As a reminder: K2 will be shopping at the Elf Shop on Monday morning from 9:00-9:30. If you would like to come shop with your child, you may do so, but if you can't make it during that time Mrs. Ouellette and I will be there to help the class.

Have a wonderful weekend!











Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Books & Beyond Half-Sheet

As a reminder...a Books & Beyond half-sheet was sent home before the Thanksgiving break. All half-sheets are due back this Thursday, December 4th, for your child to move up a station. We also had a new student move into our class so that brings our goal up to 192 stations. We currently have 14 stations completed...keep up the great work!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

"go" song and video

This week we will be working on the sight word go. Here is the Heidi Songs video to along with the song we learned today. Enjoy!