Saturday, February 28, 2015

Thank You!

For our 100th Day the kindergarten classes collected food to donate to "Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz". As a grade-level we had a goal of collecting 100 food items in honor of the 100 days of school. Thanks to all the generous donations we DOUBLED our goal. Here is a picture of a student from each kindergarten class with Kylee and her friend Olivia when they came to pick up the food on Friday afternoon.




Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hip! Hip! Hooray! We FINALLY made it to the 100th Day!


With all the snow days it seemed like the 100th day of kindergarten would NEVER come...But, it did! We had a fun day reading 100th day of school stories, writing about what we have learned in the first 100 days, deciding what our life will be like when we are 100 years old, and working on lots and lots and lots of activities centered around the number 100!

Here are some pictures from our fun day!



Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine Exchange

As a reminder we will be exchanging Valentines in class tomorrow! Please just have your child sign their name...they do not need to address each one. It saves a lot of time when the students go to pass them out. As a friendly reminder, please do not send in candy with your child's valentines. Thank you!