Saturday, May 14, 2016

Week in Review ~ May 9th - 13th

This week was a bit of a crazy week due to some testing and our Field Trip to the EcoTarium on Tuesday. As I mentioned in last week's week in review post, the next 5 weeks are sure to be crazy ones! I hope all the K2ers had fun on the field trip. They are such a well-behaved group of children which makes it all that much more fun to go on field trips! I hope you took some time to see the video of our pictures from the day. I showed the K2ers and they loved "re-living" the day. On Wednesday we started unit 10 in reading and we talked about how working together gets jobs done quicker and that teamwork is so important. Our vocabulary words were decide, opinion, ragged, marvel and grateful. We read the stories "What's the Big Idea, Molly?" and "The Shoemaker and the Elves." When we read "What's the Big Idea, Molly?" I told the K2ers to listen to the story to try and figure out what genre the story was (fiction, fantasy, tale, informational text, etc...) but that they had to have concrete reasons from the text why they felt it was that genre. I was amazed with why they said it was fantasy. Their reasons were that animals do not talk, animals do not wear clothes, animals can not draw or write and animals (pigs, mice, rabbits, turtles) can not walk on 2 back legs. It was fun to hear their reasons and it was nice to see that all year long they were listening to what clues help us figure out what genre a piece of writing is. Great job, K2ers!!! We also introduced the long u sound as well as the sight words good and who. In learning centers we wrote about our trip to the EcoTarium, sorted pictures by the long and short u sound, and worked on activities with our sight words. We will continue week 1 of unit 10 next week since we had a crazy week. In Math we started Topic 11. We started by counting to 30 and figuring out what patterns we see in numbers after 20. We will continue with Topic 11 next week. Now is a good time to have your K2er practice counting to 100. As mentioned in a previous post, by the end of kindergarten it is the goal that eack student can count to 100! This week we also visited with our Book Buddies but for a completley different reason. They are learning about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly so they invited us to come see their caterpillars. The 2nd graders told the K2ers about what they have learned about the caterpillar stage. They said that we are invited back to see each stage. Thank you 2B!
I hope everyone enjoys the weekend and the beautiful spring weather!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Nonsense Word Fluency Practice

A notice is going home today regarding Nonsense Word Fluency practice.  Nonsense Word Fluency  (NWF) was one of the DIBELS sub-tests that the K2ers were assessed on last week. The score they received was noted on the notice that went home with report cards yesterday.

In the notice I mentioned three videos that I would post for you to see the different stages of nonsense word fluency.

Each month I will send home a new list for your K2er to practice with.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Our Day at the EcoTarium

We had such a fun day at the EcoTarium for our field trip. The weather could not have been any more perfect...not too hot, not too cold. Here is a video of all of the pictures from our day. Enjoy!!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Week in Review ~ May 2nd - 6th


What a rainy and cold week it was! Luckily we were able to have outdoor recess every day this week except Monday.

In ELA we finished up Unit 9 by talking about natural resources. Our vocabulary words were natural resources, create, designs, weave, and knowledge. We read the stories "Bread Comes to Life," "Spider Woman Teaches the Navajo," and "Nature Artists." We introduced the long o sound as in bone and the sight words where and look were introduced as well. In learning centers we wrote about what is something new we can make from something in nature, sorted pictures by the long and short o sound and worked on our new sight words.

In Math we finished up Topic 10 where we composed and decomposed numbers 11-19. Next week we will move into Topic 11 where we will be working on numbers to 100. As a reminder, by the end of kindergarten we would like all students to master counting to 100. Counting can be done anywhere; the car, at home, in the grocery store. So ask your K2er to count for you and see how high they can count to.

As a reminder, our field trip to the EcoTarium is this coming Tuesday. Thankfully it looks like the cold and rainy weather pattern is on its way out this weekend and it will be sunny and warmer for our trip. Please be sure your child wears sneakers and comfy clothes for a day of walking.

Last, I'd like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all of the K2 moms...I hope your day is wonderful!