Thursday, September 29, 2016
We work hard to be "Top Dogs" in K2!
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Big Papi Day at JA ~ Friday, September 30th
In honor of Big Papi's last regular season games before his retirement, Friday will be "Big Papi Day" at JA. Your child is invited to wear a Red Sox or other baseball shirt and hat. Go Papi!
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Technical Difficulties
If you follow our blog and got the following email about a new post, I apologize for any confusion.
For some reason Google sent out a notification about this post even though it was from January 2016.
Before you know it, it WILL be the 100th day, but Friday was just day 13!
Enjoy the weekend!
Week in Review ~ September 19th - 23rd
It was another great week in K2! There was lots of learning going on. We introduced many new letters and their sound: m/n, l/r, s/z, a,i,o,u, j, and the digraph ch. We reviewed the sight words I, can and continued working on rhyming words. We listened to the Chinese fable "Tikki Tikki Tembo" and then listened to a different version. We discussed how fables change a little each time they are retold. In learning centers we wrote about something they can do with the prompt I can_______. and wrote about who was in their family. We counted the number of letters in our names and sorted them by how many letters, sorted letters by if they were in our name or not in our name, and worked on rhyming sorts.
In math we continued topic 1 and learned how to,write the numbers 4 and 5 and the number 0. We played a game called Roll & Record that the K2ers loved. Continue to have your child practice writing their numbers at home. Next week we will be finishing up the topic.
On Friday we had a very special visit from Johnny Appleseed. He talked to the K2ers about his life and took questions. I was impressed but some of the great questions we had. We also read a story about Johnny and then charted things that we now know.
Lastly, we welcome our very special "Monkey in the Chair", Thiago the monkey. He left the k2ers a couple letters this week reminding them to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze. As a reminder, if your child just has a cold there is no need for them to miss school. If they have a fever, strep throat, stomach bug, or any other contagious virus then they should stay home. If ever you question whether your child should stay home or not, feel free to call Nurse Jenny.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Half Day of School tomorrow, September 21st!
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Week in Review ~ September 12th - 16th
We made it through a 5 day week and the K2ers seem to be adjusting nicely to our classroom schedule and routines. We started our ELA curriculum where our essential question was "How is everyone special?" We read the stories "Animals in the Park: An ABC Book", "The Ugly Ducklimg", and "The Three Sisters." We discussed how in each story the characters were all different but still special in their own way. We introduced the letters p, b, t, d, f, v, k, g, q and their sound using the lively letters program. The letters are often introduced in pairs and we focus on how we form our mouth to make the sound and if the sound is a "voice on" or "voice off" sound. There is also a song that goes with each sound. Here is a video with the song for p and b. Ask your K2er which one of those letters is the quiet "voice off" sound and which one is the noisy "voice on" sound.
We also introduced our first two sight words: I, can. Next week I will be sending home a set of sight word flash cards for each child to use at home. Sight words are common words that a reader should recognize on sight. I always tell my students that these words most often can not be "sounded out" and that we want to be able to just read it automatically and without hesitation. The best way to become fluent with our 47 kindergarten sight words is to practice them at home.
In learning centers we wrote in our journals, worked on an I and can sight word page, sorted uppercase and lowercase letters, matched pictures of items that rhymed, used a language arts program on the computer called Lexia Core5, and practiced writing our first names with an uppercase at the beginning and the rest lowercase. We sure we're busy this week!
In Math we started Topic 1 titled Numbers 0-5. We read and counted numbers 1-5 and practiced writing numbers 1-3. Next week we will continue with Topic 1 and work on writing the numbers 4 and 5. Writing numbers for some children can be frustrating so practicing at home would be helpful. Each lesson comes with a homework page to reiterate what was taught at school that day. On Monday I will begin sending these homework pages home. It is meant to be a practice and should not be difficult for your child. For that reason, these homework sheets do not need to be returned back to me unless you feel your child is struggling with the page. Even though I do not expect the sheet back, please have your child take the time to work on it.
Thank you to all those that came to our Open House on Tuesday. It was a fun night and I loved watching all the K2ers show their parents around our classroom as they participated in the Scavenger Hunt. I hope you enjoyed it as well.
Enjoy the weekend!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
It was a GREAT first week in K2!
We had such a fun time getting to know one another in K2 this week. We were busy going over our class routines, reading stories, working on "getting to know you" activities, and making new friends.
On Friday we started our first topic in math titled "Numbers 0 -5." We will be working on counting, reading and writing numbers. On Monday we will be starting our first ELA unit. (English language arts) We will be going over the alphabet, talking about rhyming and syllables, introducing our first sight word, reading stories, and many more things.
Here are some photos from the first couple of days. I am looking forward to this school year and can't wait to laugh, learn and grow with all of the K2ers!