In Math we completed Topic 11 ~ Count Numbers to 100 and introduced Topic 12 ~ Identify and Describe Shapes. If your K2er would like to do a shape hunt over the weekend ask them to find pictures of 2-D or 3-D shapes in magazines and bring them to school cut out. We will be discussing 2-D and 3-D shapes next week.
Today at JA we had some very special visitors! This is the second year that the graduating seniors from Leominster High School participated in a "Senior Walk". After graduation rehearsal, students boarded buses in their caps and gowns and visited their elementary and middle schools. I love this for so many reasons...current JA students get to see what they will be able to do someday, the graduating seniors get to visit where they started their education, and teachers can see those students that were in their class long ago. (It also makes the teachers feel just a little bit old, too!) The K2ers made signs to hold as the graduates walked the halls of JA and two of our K2ers were asked to lead the procession to show the full progression from Kindergarten to Grade 12. It was a great experience!
The next few weeks are going to be some very BUSY ones with a lot of fun and special activities. Be sure to check the "What's Coming Up..." tab regularly.