Monday, May 7, 2018

Week in Review ~ April 30 - May 4 and EcoTarium Field Trip

Last week we started Unit 9 Week 2 in our reading series.  Our essential question was 'What do good citizens do?" Our vocabulary words were citizen, respect, necessary, hauled and tidy.  We read the stories Hen Hears Gossip, The Little Red Hen, and Team Up to Clean Up. We focused in on the long i sound in words and introduced the sight words has and play. In learning centers we sorted short i and long i words, practiced reading and writing sight words and wrote in our journals about how we can show respect.  We also wrote about what we can do to help the Planet Earth.

In Math we started Topic 9 which is reading, writing and counting to 20.  We will be focusing in on the teen numbers. 

On Friday we had such a fun trip to the EcoTarium. There was so much to see and do and our trip to the planetarium drew a lot of oohs and ahhhs as they looked at stars up in the sky with the help of Big Bird and Elmo.  Here are some pictures from the trip.

Enjoy the beautiful weather that this week as in store for us!