Saturday, November 22, 2014

Week in Review ~ 11/17 - 11/21

This week in ELA we talked about the different noises we hear in different places. We listened to the stories Clang! Clang! Ring! Ring! Listen to the City and Sounds Everywhere. The sight word and was introduced as well as the letter Nn. We have been using rebelling cards to help retell the important parts of a story and a new game was introduced to practice our sight words called "Bump It!"


In Math finished up Topic 5 where we worked on counting, reading and writing the numbers 11-20. After our Thanksgiving break we will be working on Topic 6 titled Numbers to 100. During math we talked about counting numbers forward and backwards from a given number and used a number line to practice the concept. The K2ers also worked on a problem of day that had them thinking about various solutions...they did a great job with it!

As a reminder we have a half-day of school on Monday and Tuesday for Parent/Teacher conferences. The kindergarten students will be going to gym on Monday for a "Turkey Trot" where they will walk laps so be sure to send your child in sneakers.

Have a great weekend!


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