It was another great week...I couldn't believe it today when I noticed on our hundreds chart there are only 55 days of school left. This year is definitely flying by!
In Math we have been working on Topic 12 which is all about measurement. So far we have discussed length, height and capacity. We also talked about standard and non-standard units of measurement.
Here is a quick "Sid the Science Kid" clip that we watched which described non-standard units of measurement.
When working on length we spent time looking at the length of each K2ers name and then ordered them from longest to shortest.
We also played games using connecting cubes to put them in order from longest to shortest or shortest to longest.
Everyone enjoyed when we worked on height and played the gameTower Grab. Each student grabbed a handful of cubes and built a tower. Then they flipped a two-colored chip. If it landed on red, the person with the longest tower got a point. If it landed on yellow the student with the shortest tower got the point. Play continued until one player got 5 points.
Last, we talked about capacity. We looked at three containers and predicted which container would hold more water and then tested it out. We were amazed that the container that was the shortest actually held more water than the middle sized one. Next week we will be finishing up our measurement unit by talking about weight. After measurement we be starting Topic 13 where we will be Sorting, Classifying, Counting and Categorizing Data.
As a reminder, next week is a 4-day week as there is no school on Friday.
Have a great weekend!