Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hand Washing Lesson

Today the kindergarten classes were lucky to have a visit from Kim, a nursing student at Fitchburg State University, to teach them all about the importance of Hand-washing. She talked to them (and showed them using a spray bottle) how far germs can go when you sneeze and don't cover your mouth. She also had them see the spray that was left on the table and explained that is what happens to germs when we don't cover up our sneezes and coughs. Then, using baby oil and sparkles, she showed the students how germs on our hands can get from person to person quite easily. Kim also talked them about all the times they need to wash their hands. Each child received a coloring page before she left that they can color and sign their name to as their "pledge" to wash their hands. Thank you Kim for coming in and teaching the kindergarten students why it is so important to wash our hands to prevent the spread of germs!


Here is the video they watched...Enjoy!

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