Thursday, June 23, 2016

Happy Summer

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I found this great page online with some educational websites listed that you may like to have your child use over the summer to keep up some of the skills learned in kindergarten. Please say hello to your K2 alumni for me! :)



Monday, June 13, 2016

One last thing...

Report Cards are going home today. There are also two notices in about summer reading and the other is the suggested Supply List for 1st grade. Here is the list of items in case you misplace it over the summer.



Now Playing...

Here is a video of our Year in K2...ENJOY!!

Another school year has come and gone...

How is it that it is already the next to last day of the school year?? It has been such a fun year learning and growing all together. I am so proud of my K2ers and I know that moving on in the grades they will do great things. Last year I was lucky enough to have a wonderful class and as a teacher you know it doesn't always happen again right away. I am not sure how I got so lucky to have this year's class to make it two years in a row with an AMAZING group of 5 and 6 year olds...not only did I teach them but they taught me so much as well! I wish all of my K2ers all the best in the those coming back to JA please be sure to come visit K2 when you are in 1st grade, and to those moving I am sure you will make your new teacher and new school proud just like you did here. Congratulations on completing Kindergarten!!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Field Day Fun!

We had such a fun day today at Field Day and we couldn't have asked for better weather! The K2ers had so much fun playing all of the games.

As a reminder tomorrow is dress like a book character day.


Sunday, June 5, 2016

It's the Final Countdown!!

I can't believe we have just 6 1/2 days left in this school is that possible? We have been so busy in K2 and our last days together don't look to be any less crazy! We have been working hard to finish up our reading and math units. This coming week we will be working on some extra bonus concepts in reading such as digraphs (sh, ch, th, wh) as well as the two sounds of double o as in cool and book. In math we are finishing up our topic on shapes and will move into measurement.

This week we had our Books & Beyond award ceremony. We had 10 children who received reading medals...Great Job!!


We also had a visit from Elise Broach who is the author of our school-wide read aloud "Masterpiece." She talked to the Kindergarteners about where she gets her story ideas, the steps to writing and publishing a book, and she read one of her picture books to them titled "Wet Dog." Our class was lucky enough to get our picture taken with her at the end of the presentation!

As a reminder this coming week is Spirit Week at JA. It is always a fun week and one of my favorites. Here is a reminder of each day's theme.


Tomorrow is field day and grades K -2 will be playing the games from 12:30 - 2:00. It is going to be a sunny and warm day so please dress your child appropriately for the weather as well as apply sunscreen at home before school and send your child to school with a water bottle.

This year Color Wars will take place on the last day of school. We are going to be making shirts this week for the K2ers to wear that day. If you have not done so already please send in a plain white t-shirt for your child. As a side note I was at Party City this weekend and they had some really fun accessories in all different colors at reasonable prices. Here is a sneak peak of some of my purple for that day...I can't wait!