Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week in Review ~ March 20th - 24th

This week we welcomed Spring...but I'm not so sure Mother Nature got the memo. This picture was from recess on Friday when the K2ers were busy chasing snowflakes!

This week in ELA, we started Unit 7 which is all about The Animal Kingdom.  We started week 1 with the topic of Baby Animals and the essential question of "How are some animals alike and how are they different?"  We listened to the stories Zoo Borns and Baby Farm Animals. We also listened to Animal Poems.  Our vocabulary words were appearance, behavior, exercise, wander, and plenty.  We focused in on the vowel Uu and it's short vowel sound as in tub. Our new sight words introduced were for and have. Here is the video for the song the K2ers learned for have.

In learning centers we practiced writing the letter Uu, sorted pictures by their vowel sound, randomly chose two animals and then wrote about how they were alike and how they were different, and then sorted sight words.  The K2ers do such a great job with our learning centers routine!

In Math this week we focused on taking a "whole" and breaking it into 2 parts. The math term for this is decompose.  We worked on breaking apart the numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9.  To reiterate this concept the K2ers played a game called "Toss the Chips" where they counted out a certain number of two-colored chips and then tossed them. Next, they recorded the two parts to match the way the chips landed such as 6 chips could have landed with 2 yellow and 4 red or 5 yellow and 1 red. They really enjoyed this game. 

Another game that they are enjoying is "Teddy Bear Picnic" which was sent home on Wednesday.  This is a great way for the K2ers to work on addition and subtraction facts within 5.  By the end of kindergarten it is expected that all students will be able to add and subtract fluently within 5 so playing this game or using the mini flashcards with your K2er will help them master this standard. 

Thank you to everyone that donated tissues and was greatly appreciated.

Now let's hope that spring makes it's appearance very soon!!

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