In ELA we started in on Unit 8 where we talked about how we get from one place to another. Our vocabulary words were transportation, vehicle, journey, fierce and wide. We listened to the stories When Daddy Picks Me Up, The King of the Winds, and From Here to There. We focused in on the letters Jj and Qq and introduced the sight words here and me. In learning centers we sorted words by if they were real or nonsense, wrote about a vehicle that can get you places, practiced writing Jj and Qq, and worked on a fun sight word center where we had to take letter tiles out of plastic carrot eggs and move them around to spell one of the sight words introduced.
In Math we continued on with Topic 9 and counted, read and wrote numbers 13 - 20. We completed a Teen Number Booklet and played some different games to reinforce counting to 20 such as choosing a number and counting on from it. We will be finishing up Topic 9 when we return from vacation.
This week we also enjoyed filling plastic eggs with the candy donations and making the Easter Baskets for the children on the pediatric floor at UMass in Worcester. The teamwork between the K2ers definitely made the job go quickly. The end result was 25 beautiful Easter Baskets that Thiago, his brother Nico and his mom delivered to the hospital during the week.
Thank you again for all the candy was greatly appreciated!
As a reminder, our field trip is Friday, May 5th to the EcoTarium. I will let parents know the Monday we return from vacation about chaperones. Some of the CORI forms were still pending as of Friday at dismissal.
I hope everyone enjoys the weekend and April Vacation week. When we get back it will be a QUICK 9 weeks until summer vacation and it will be filled with lots of fun activities!
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