Friday, February 9, 2018

Week in Review ~ February 5 -9

Well, I guess that Groundhog was not kidding last Friday when he said there would be 6 more weeks of winter. I am about ready for some spring days!

This week in ELA our essential question was "How are the seasons different?" Our vocabulary words were weather, seasons, migrate, active and spot.  We focused in on the letters Bb and Ll and introduced the sight words is and little. At learning centers we practiced writing Bb and Ll, sorted words that began with b and d, wrote in our journals about our favorite season, sorted sight words and listened to the initial sound in words.

In Math, we continued on with Topic 6 on addition.  We represented and explained addition with equations and solved addition word problems.  We will begin working on fluency in addition next week.  In kindergarten students should know addition and subtraction facts to 5 fluently by the end of the school year.  I will be sending home flashcards to practice this with soon.  

Today for enrichment we talked about the Winter Olympics that started yesterday in Pyeongchang, South Korea.  We talked about the different sporting events that take place during the winter Olympics and the K2ers talked about which ones they would like to try.  We showed this quick clip so that they could see some of the sports in action.  Some of them asked if I could put it onto the class blog so here it is...

At Free Choice time some of the students had fun playing an Olympic Memory matching game.

Next Wednesday the K2ers will be exchanging valentines. As a reminder we have 23 students: 11 boys and 12 girls.  Please have your child just sign their name to their valentines as this helps us pass them out quicker. You may also send in a special snack for your child to enjoy on that day while they look at their valentines. 

Lastly, we will be celebrating the 100th Day of Kindergarten next Thursday. (fingers crossed we have NO MORE SNOW DAYS between now and then) As a friendly reminder, the kindergarten classes are trying to collect 100 food donations in honor of our 100th day of school We are about 3/4 of the way there as of today. The following is a list of items that can be donated for the “kare kits” that will be provided to children:

·         100% juice boxes
·         Macaroni & Cheese (boxes as well as Easy Mac)
·         Cans of Chicken Noodle Soup
·         Individual boxes of Cereal
·         Peanut butter Crackers
·         Cans of Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli
·         Cans of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs
·         Granola Bars
·         Fruit Cups
·         Applesauce Cups
·         Pudding Cups
·         Yogurt Raisins

Enjoy your weekend!!

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