Sunday, October 18, 2015

Calling all Willy Wonka Candy Factory Makers!

One of our K2ers created Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory at home using his Duplo Lego blocks and was VERY excited to tell the class about it. His mom was kind enough to email a picture of it to me so I could show the class.

After I received the picture it had me thinking so, as a class, we brainstormed different things at home you could use to create Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. If any other K2ers would like to use something at home to "create" Willy Wonka's factory and would like to share the final creation with the class then please take a picture and email it to me so I can show the class.

Happy Creating!!


1 comment:

PaleBlueDot said...

Nice work Conner!
(Ani's family)