Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Please Read a Note from Nurse Jen

Please remember that all Kindergarten students need updated physicals on file in the nurses office. I am still missing some immunizations and have sent that paperwork home. Please send that information into me as soon as possible in prevent your child from being excluded from school. • Massachusetts state law (105 CMR 200.00 – 200.920) requires a physical exam upon entry to school and updates in 4-year increments. • Massachusetts state law (105 CMR 220.000) requires up to date immunizations for school attendance. • Massachusetts state law (105 AMR 460 050 & .060) requires lead testing for all preschool and kindergarten children. Also Please remember to keep your child home if he/she: • Has a fever over 100 degrees f or higher. • Has a persistent cough or cold. • Has had vomiting or diarrhea within the past 12 hours. • Has an unidentified skin rash. • Has “pink eye” with itching and drainage. • Has a contagious illness i.e. strep throat, chicken pox. • Has active head lice or body lice. In order for your child to receive any medication while at school I will need a medication order from the doctor, signed parental consent, and the medication (which must be brought in by a responsible adult). This is a state wide policy and is strictly enforced here at JA. With the upcoming cold temperatures, it is important to remember to dress your child appropriately for cold weather. Hats, mittens, and roomy waterproof boots with socks are essential to protect your child’s fingers and toes against extreme cold. This is especially important for those children who either wait for a bus or walk to school. It is also a good time to remind your child to use his or her own hat and to avoid sharing such headgear, to minimize the possibility of head lice transmission. Please make sure that your child has an extra change of clothes with them in their classroom or backpack. As always, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 978-534-7765 Nurse Jen

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