Monday, January 23, 2017

"Time for Kids" booklet

Today each K2er is coming home with a "Time for Kids" booklet in their message tube.  PLEASE take a few moments tonight to fill in the names and addresses of at least 7 family members or friends and return it to school TOMORROW.  The more kids that return these booklets with at least 7 names and addresses the better our chance is to get a "Time for Kids" subscription for each student at no cost to Johnny Appleseed.  Time for Kids is a weekly news magazine made just for kids that encourages children to read. Often the topics are Science and Social Studies related.

The classroom that returns the most booklets, with at least 7 names and addresses filled out, will earn a dance party along with the choice of a pizza or ice cream party! The K2ers were VERY excited to hear about that incentive.

If there are not at least 7 names and addresses filled out in the booklet, it does not count.

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