Friday, April 10, 2015

Week in Review April 6th - 10th

Hello K2 Families! I don't know about you but I was very excited to see next week's weather actually looks like spring may be here!

This week in ELA we talked about what we know about our country. We talked about different Landmarks in the U.S. and discussed places we have been. We listened to the stories Ana Goes to Washington, D.C., The Best of the West, and See Our Country. Our vocabulary words were country, travel, careful, purpose, and connect. We focused on the letters Yy and Zz and introduced the sight words this and what. In small groups students read either See This!, Places to See, or My Trip to Yellowstone. In learning centers we worked a lot with nonsense words. The K2ers had fun using Twist & Turn Word Builders to make words and decide if they were real or nonsense. I am so proud of how well they are sounding out and reading words.

In Math, Miss Davis continued working in Topic 13 which talks about sorting, classifying, counting and categorizing data. The students sorted shapes by 1 or 2 attributes and then took containers blocks and sorted and graphed the data to show what attributes the they had.

Next week they will begin Topic 14 titled Identifying and Describing Shapes.

I am so happy to see how many families have tried Footsteps2Brilliance at home. The K2ers are really enjoying the program at school. Please take a minute to register. If you do not receive an email back with your own username and password please check your SPAM folder as it may have accidentally been sent there. Here are some pictures of them using the program at school.

Enjoy your weekend especially since the weather will be warming up. Plus, in my eyes, all is good in the world...the Red Sox are playing again!



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