Thursday, April 2, 2015

Week in Review ~ March 30th - April 2nd

With having in school on Friday, what a fast week it has been!

In ELA this week we started Unit 8 which talks about where we can go that is near and far. This week's focus was on transportation and what helps,us get from one place to another. Our vocabulary words were journey, transportation, vehicle, wide, fierce. Our new sight words are here and me and we focused on the sound for the letter Jj and Qq. We also listened to the read alouds When Daddy's Truck Picks Me Up, The King of the Winds, and From Here to There. Everyone came home with a copy of a story we read in small groups this week. Please continue to encourage your child to practice reading these stories at home, as well as practice the Nonsense Word sheet that came home earlier in the week, to help build their fluency. Our grammar lesson this week focused on prepositions. We watched a Schoolhouse Rock video and the K2ers asked me to post it to the blog so that they could watch it again.

In Math we started Topic 13 which is all about sorting, classifying, counting and categorizing data. Miss Davis has taken over the teaching of Math as she moves closer to her complete "take-over week" in May. She focused on sorting items by 1 attribute such as color, size or shape. The K2ers have loved all the extension activities she has planned to help make the concepts more concrete. Here are some pictures from a button sorting activity where they had to choose an attribute and then sort the buttons by if they had the same attribute or not. She ended the lesson by reading The Button Box and I found it on YouTube so that the students can listen to it again if they like.


As a reminder, please be sure to send in 5 items from around the house (ie: buttons, straws, bottle caps, scraps of material, etc) on Monday that will be used by the class for sorting activities. Please keep in mind that these items WILL NOT BE RETURNED so encourage your child to choose items that they will not be sad to part with.

Books & Beyond will be continuing for the next FIVE weeks. This week, anyone who has not completed all 8 stations were sent home a packet of recording sheets and a slip of paper that said how many stations your child needs to finish to receive a reading medal. I am SO proud of how many K2ers have already completed all 8 stations and how many are so close to completing. Keep up the great job!

Enjoy your long weekend...Hopefully spring weather is just around the corner!


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