Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tomorrow is WaCkY WeDnEsDaY at JA!

Tomorrow is WaCkY WeDnEsDaY at JA! Your K2er is invited to dress a little wacky for school! Mismatched clothes, inside out clothes, crazy hair-do, backwards clothes...it is always fun to be a little Wacky!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Dr. Seuss Week is in Full Swing in K2!

We had some crazy and mismatched socks today for "Fox in Socks" day which kicked off Dr. Seuss week at Johnny Appleseed!

As a reminder, Tuesday is Thing 1 and Thing 2 day so your K2er is invited to dress in red, white and blue!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Reminder: It is Dr. Seuss Week at Johnny Appleseed starting Monday!

As a reminder, Dr. Seuss week starts tomorrow with "Fox in Socks" day. Have your K2er wear crazy/mismatched socks to school on Monday!

Friday, February 24, 2017

The World of K2

I just made an Instagram account devoted to "The World of K2." I will try to make posts regularly to show some different parts of our day such as what we are like walking down the hallway, eating lunch, out at recess or maybe even during one of our specials. If you have an Instagram account and would like to follow our page search theworldofK2 and request to follow us. I am thinking this will be yet another way for you to get a glimpse into our day! 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

100th Day Fun and a visit from Dr. Coakley

We had a fun 100th Day of School on the Friday before vacation. We worked on lots and lots of activities focused around the number 100! The K2ers made an ice cream cone that counted to 100 by 10's, filled in hundreds boards with our sight words, wrote about what they have 100 of and what they would like 100 of, made 100th Day crowns and much more! We even listed 100 words we could write. When we get back Monday we will count up all the food donations we received for Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz. We had such a busy day, that was the one thing we didn't get to before dismissal.

In the afternoon we were lucky to have a visit from the dad of one of our K2ers. Dr. Coakley came in and read some stories and talked to us about dental health.  Each K2er went home with a new toothbrush and some other goodies. Thank you Dr. Coakley!!

Enjoy the rest of the week...I am definitely enjoying this spring-like weather!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Yay...Our Donor's Choose Project was Fully Funded!!

I am SO excited to say that our "Donor's Choose" project for two iPad minis to use in our classroom was FULLY funded!! Thank you to all that donated and especially to "Reach Out for Schools" that fully funded the final $400.00 we needed. I looked into this organization after they so graciously funded the remainder of our project and they are a non-profit membership organization that raises money to donate to primary and secondary schools in communities where their members reside. 

We should be receiving our iPads soon!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

We started our morning off with some time with our Book Buddies from 3E. 

Then we decorated our Valentine Bags and drew and wrote about things we love.  During snack time the K2ers went through their Valentine Bags to check out all of the valentines they received. 
It was a fun day in K2!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

{Kind of} Week in Review ~ February 6th - 10th

First off...how about those New England Patriots! I still can't believe they came back and won the Super Bowl.

Well, this week in review includes SNOW, SNOW and more SNOW and is coming to you a little early because I am supposed to be heading to Franconia, NH later today {eek!!} to then proceed to Jay Peak, VT in the early morning for my son Andrew's Hockey Tournament.  Wish us luck that we make it there in all this snow with little difficulty!

With Tuesday's snow day and today's snow day we will be continuing on with Unit 6 Week 1 next week in ELA.  Our new sight words are is and little so that your K2er can practice them at home. We are working on Topic 7 in math which is all about subtraction and they are doing well so far with the concept of taking away. We will continue with this topic next week as well.

As a reminder next Tuesday is Valentine's Day. Please have your child sign their name to valentines for their classmates. We have 22 children in our class and the breakdown is 10 boys and 12 girls. You may also send in a special treat for your K2er to enjoy at snack time.  They will open their valentines during snack time that day.

Also, our 100th day of school is now Thursday, February 16th. We are still trying to collect 100 items of food do donate to Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz. If you are able to donate a food item from the list that we sent out in the notice regarding the food drive, it would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly, continue to READ, READ, READ for Books & Beyond! Next week your child will come home with a note stating how many more sheets they need to fill in to receive a reading medal and that number of sheets. I would LOVE to give a medal to ALL my K2ers so if you need to borrow books please let me know.

Enjoy the snow today!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Week in Review ~ January 30th - February 3rd

We finally had a FULL week of school and I feel like we were able to accomplish so much!

In ELA we continued with Week 3 of Unit 5 where we talked about what kinds of things grow on a farm.  We read the story An Orange in January. This is a great book that goes through the process of how we are able to enjoy fresh fruit even during the winter months.  Ask your K2er if they remember all the steps that the orange took from growing on the tree to being eaten.
We also read the stories Farms Around the World and Farmer's Market. We focused in on the letters Ff and Rr and worked with the sight words he and with.  In learning centers we sorted the sight words and searched the room for sight words. We practiced writing Ff and Rr and sorted pictures by the /f/ and /r/ sound.  We also reviewed the beginning sounds in words.

In writing we started working on Informative Writing.  Together we worked on a piece of informative writing about a flower. We discussed the difference between a fact and an opinion and then sounded out words to write.  Then, the K2ers wrote an informative piece about an orange to tie in with our story of the week,  Here are some examples...

I was very impressed with how well they were "tapping out" the sounds to spell words.  We will continue with informative writing for the next few weeks.

In Math we finished up our topic and assessment on addition.  At the start of the topic we wrote what we already know about addition and at the end of the topic we wrote what we now know about addition.  The concept webs we filled out are hanging up in the classroom to remind the K2ers all that they learned.

This week we have moved into subtraction. We discussed how with adding the total number gets larger and when we subtract the number gets smaller. We also talked about the term "left" and how that is a clue in word problems that we are going to subtract.  For example: There were 4 fish. 1 fish swam away. How many fish are left? Next week we will continue on with subtraction.

Friday was a VERY busy day in K2! For "Patriots Day" we predicted who will win Superbowl LI...20 votes for the Patriots and 2 votes for the Falcons. Let's hope the majority vote WINS! We also made football hats and did a tally & graph sheet of different football items.

In the afternoon we also enjoyed our Dance Party/Ice Cream Party for bringing in the most "Time for Kids" booklets. The K2ers had a BLAST! Here are some pictures from the fun!

One last reminder...we are trying to collect 100 food items for the 100th day of school. Please refer to the notice sent home listing the items that are needed at "Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz." 

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, February 2, 2017


There are two important notices coming home today...

 First, a notice about the 100th Day of School Food Drive that the kindergarten classes are taking part in for the 3rd year in a row. All food collected will be donated to Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz. Click here to find out more about Kylee and the "Kare Kits" story.
Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz

Next, a notice regarding Valentine's Day in K2.

Also, thanks to all of you sending in the "Times for Kids" booklets, K2 has won a Dance Party/Ice Cream Party. The K2ers were VERY excited when they heard our classroom name announced over the intercom as the winners of the contest!! 

Lastly, tomorrow will be Patriots Day once again as we get ready to cheer them on in Super Bowl LI. Students are invited to wear Patriots or other football gear and/or Red, White and Blue to school. 


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Nonsense Word Fluency practice

For February's homework I am sending home a notice with  Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) practice on the back.  Nonsense Word Fluency was one of the DIBELS sub-tests that the K2ers were assessed on back in January.

In the notice  I mentioned three videos that I would post for you to see the different stages of nonsense word fluency.

Each month I will send home a new list for your K2er to practice with.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions.