Thursday, February 9, 2017

{Kind of} Week in Review ~ February 6th - 10th

First about those New England Patriots! I still can't believe they came back and won the Super Bowl.

Well, this week in review includes SNOW, SNOW and more SNOW and is coming to you a little early because I am supposed to be heading to Franconia, NH later today {eek!!} to then proceed to Jay Peak, VT in the early morning for my son Andrew's Hockey Tournament.  Wish us luck that we make it there in all this snow with little difficulty!

With Tuesday's snow day and today's snow day we will be continuing on with Unit 6 Week 1 next week in ELA.  Our new sight words are is and little so that your K2er can practice them at home. We are working on Topic 7 in math which is all about subtraction and they are doing well so far with the concept of taking away. We will continue with this topic next week as well.

As a reminder next Tuesday is Valentine's Day. Please have your child sign their name to valentines for their classmates. We have 22 children in our class and the breakdown is 10 boys and 12 girls. You may also send in a special treat for your K2er to enjoy at snack time.  They will open their valentines during snack time that day.

Also, our 100th day of school is now Thursday, February 16th. We are still trying to collect 100 items of food do donate to Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz. If you are able to donate a food item from the list that we sent out in the notice regarding the food drive, it would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly, continue to READ, READ, READ for Books & Beyond! Next week your child will come home with a note stating how many more sheets they need to fill in to receive a reading medal and that number of sheets. I would LOVE to give a medal to ALL my K2ers so if you need to borrow books please let me know.

Enjoy the snow today!

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