In ELA we continued with Week 3 of Unit 5 where we talked about what kinds of things grow on a farm. We read the story An Orange in January. This is a great book that goes through the process of how we are able to enjoy fresh fruit even during the winter months. Ask your K2er if they remember all the steps that the orange took from growing on the tree to being eaten.
We also read the stories Farms Around the World and Farmer's Market. We focused in on the letters Ff and Rr and worked with the sight words he and with. In learning centers we sorted the sight words and searched the room for sight words. We practiced writing Ff and Rr and sorted pictures by the /f/ and /r/ sound. We also reviewed the beginning sounds in words.
In writing we started working on Informative Writing. Together we worked on a piece of informative writing about a flower. We discussed the difference between a fact and an opinion and then sounded out words to write. Then, the K2ers wrote an informative piece about an orange to tie in with our story of the week, Here are some examples...
I was very impressed with how well they were "tapping out" the sounds to spell words. We will continue with informative writing for the next few weeks.
In Math we finished up our topic and assessment on addition. At the start of the topic we wrote what we already know about addition and at the end of the topic we wrote what we now know about addition. The concept webs we filled out are hanging up in the classroom to remind the K2ers all that they learned.
This week we have moved into subtraction. We discussed how with adding the total number gets larger and when we subtract the number gets smaller. We also talked about the term "left" and how that is a clue in word problems that we are going to subtract. For example: There were 4 fish. 1 fish swam away. How many fish are left? Next week we will continue on with subtraction.
Friday was a VERY busy day in K2! For "Patriots Day" we predicted who will win Superbowl LI...20 votes for the Patriots and 2 votes for the Falcons. Let's hope the majority vote WINS! We also made football hats and did a tally & graph sheet of different football items.
In the afternoon we also enjoyed our Dance Party/Ice Cream Party for bringing in the most "Time for Kids" booklets. The K2ers had a BLAST! Here are some pictures from the fun!
One last reminder...we are trying to collect 100 food items for the 100th day of school. Please refer to the notice sent home listing the items that are needed at "Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz."
Enjoy the weekend!
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