Thursday, February 23, 2017

100th Day Fun and a visit from Dr. Coakley

We had a fun 100th Day of School on the Friday before vacation. We worked on lots and lots of activities focused around the number 100! The K2ers made an ice cream cone that counted to 100 by 10's, filled in hundreds boards with our sight words, wrote about what they have 100 of and what they would like 100 of, made 100th Day crowns and much more! We even listed 100 words we could write. When we get back Monday we will count up all the food donations we received for Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz. We had such a busy day, that was the one thing we didn't get to before dismissal.

In the afternoon we were lucky to have a visit from the dad of one of our K2ers. Dr. Coakley came in and read some stories and talked to us about dental health.  Each K2er went home with a new toothbrush and some other goodies. Thank you Dr. Coakley!!

Enjoy the rest of the week...I am definitely enjoying this spring-like weather!!!

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