Thursday, October 30, 2014

Medieval Faire

We had such a fun time visiting the Medieval Faire on Wednesday. We started our day outside voting for our favorite castle. Each classroom created a castle to enter into the contest. The K2ers loved seeing all the different castles and had favorites right away. All students and staff were able to vote for their favorite.

After voting we moved indoors for a musical performance. The students were taught about music from the medieval times. Here is a quick clip from a song they performed for us.


Lastly, we headed to the Faire. Students were able to choose from a crown or a shield to make and then had their hand at candle dipping. We then headed outdoors again to have a snack and play some Medieval games, saw some card tricks and even used marshmallow catapults.


Once back to the room we wrote and drew pictures of our favorite part from the Medieval Faire. Thank you to all those that helped to make the Medieval Faire such a fun experience for the kids at JA. We can't wait to see how "Kenny and the Dragon" ends on Friday.


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