Monday, October 27, 2014
Week in Review ~ 10/20 - 10/24
Last week was another busy week in K2. We continued our school-wide read aloud of "Kenny and the Dragon." The students are enjoying the story and can't wait to see if Kenny is able to convince the people of Roundbrook that Grahame truly is a nice dragon. We are also looking forward to the upcoming Medieval Faire on this coming Wednesday. If your child regularly purchases a school lunch, the day of the Faire (10/29) they will only be able to choose from sandwiches for lunch. There will be NO hot lunches served.
In ELA last week we talked all about how tools help us to explore. We listened to the stories "The Handiest Things in the World", "Timimoto" and "Discover With Tools". The letter Pp was introduced and we listened to words and decided if it began with /p/ or ended with /p/. We listened for the following vocabulary words in our stories: tools, discover, fetch, rumble & defeated. Ask your child if they remember what each word means. In learning centers we worked with color words, sorted pictures by their initial sound, spied words around the room with the letter "p" in them, and wrote in journals about ways we use our hands.
In Math we started Topic 4 titled "Comparing and Ordering Numbers 0 to 10." We decided if the number of items in one group was greater than or less than the number 5. Everyone did such a great job with it that I decided to introduce the greater than symbol (>) and the less than symbol. (<) Here is a cute song that I showed them from youtube about the Number gators "who always eat the number that is greater."
Last week we also had our first turn with the iPad/MacBook cart. They are happy to be getting the cart each Friday. If they did not have a turn last Friday they will get one this week.
As always, if you have any questions...feel free to contact me.
Medieval Faire - Wednesday, October 29th
Teacher PD Day ~ no school for students - Tuesday, November 4th
Veterans Day ~ no school - Tuesday, November 11th