Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"Mystery Walker"

Since school started we have been working hard with the K2ers to explain and show the proper way to walk in a line while passing through the school hallways. Some understand the rules but it is still a tough concept for many. Today we started a new thing called the "Mystery Walker." When we are ready to go out into the hall each day for the first time, we (a teacher) will be pulling a stone out of a dish that has a number on it that is assigned to a child in the class. That child will become that day's "Mystery Walker." The K2ers will NOT know who the "Mystery Walker" is...only Mrs. Ouellette and I will so that we know who to watch. If the child chosen follows the rules we came up with for walking in the hallway then they will receive a special "Mystery Walker" certificate once we are back in the classroom for the remainder of the day. Today was our first try and let me tell you...we had a near PERFECT line walking down the hallway from our room to the cafeteria, the cafeteria to the music room, and from the music room back to our classroom. My hope is that using the "Mystery Walker" technique will quickly encourage all the K2ers to walk in the hallway correctly.



1 comment:

PaleBlueDot said...

Very nice and I see "comments" are NOT a mystery any longer! Love seeing all the papers coming home. They are working very hard in K2!
Thank you both!
Mark (Ani's dad)